

Australia|Online Marketplace


Our Mission

Empowering businesses to improve their cashflow through AI and access to Open Banking whille offering positive and sustainable lending solutions within the Paycepaid Marketplace for the credit impaired to reduce financial stress.

The Solution 

Paycepaid is a Software as a Service debt collection software unlike anything on the market today with a heavy focus on the debtor.

We empower businesses to manage their end to end collections cycle while providing debtors with a magnitude of options to reduce financial stress and anxiety.

Features for Businesses:

  • Integration to existing Accounting & CRM services
  • Custom integrations available for enterprise busineses
  • Full payment reminder automation via SMS, Emails & Calls
  • Internal debtor management; with history, notes and task allocations
  • Payment gateway (to be able to receive online credit card/debit card payments)
  • Automatic payment reconciliations
  • Comprehensive debtor portal
  • Ability to build custom payment arragement plans to suit business needs
  • Ability to create and manage single or recurring invoices
  • Auto escalation to debt collection agencies & lawyers
  • Full range of on demand financial reporting
  • Open Banking
  • Debtor portal (allowing debtors to self service)
  • Multi currency support
  • Available in AUS, NZ, US, UK, SG, CA, IRE, HK

Features for Debtors:

  • Self service debtor portal
  • Opt-in/Opt-out to Open Banking
  • Credit Report/Scoring
  • Preview & download invoices
  • View history of invoices & payments
  • Apply for payment arrangements & payment extensions
  • Make Credit/Debit Card payments
  • Access to Paycepaid Marketplace for customised responsible financing/lending options


Key Highlights 

  • Late paying customers are collectively costing businesses $3 trillion globally.  
  • Official launch June 2020 during the pandemic.  
  • 2x blue chip clients signed 
  • Managing >$338 million ledger.  
  • Total managed contacts >214,882
  • Total invoices 165,783
  • Total debtors >30,275
  • Partnership with technology payment companies, offering real time payment leveraging NPP (national payment platform and soon PayTo)  
  • Paycepaid offers seamless onboarding and integration & multiple choice of payment providers 
  • Paycepaid listed on Xero marketplace. 
  • Paycepaid Integrated with MYOB, Stripe and other payment providers.  

* Please request for access to view our full solution in our Q&A section 

Problem and Solution

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Vivamus maximus nulla volutpat, ornare lorem a, vulputate enim. In dui nisl, vestibulum eu finibus pretium, eleifend et eros. Vivamus in venenatis risus, ut dictum velit. Praesent rhoncus tempor fermentum. In malesuada tellus eu volutpat posuere. Nullam ut dignissim libero, ut pharetra leo. Nullam sit amet aliquam felis. Suspendisse volutpat ante eget tincidunt feugiat. Nunc placerat sapien et metus molestie, in viverra augue viverra. Donec varius metus ut arcu vestibulum hendrerit. Sed viverra risus neque, ac commodo enim lacinia at.

Morbi posuere tortor vitae sapien faucibus auctor. Donec nulla ipsum, aliquet non bibendum sit amet, viverra non metus. Sed blandit efficitur orci, id dignissim eros.

Donec sollicitudin massa ut tellus gravida, ut luctus lacus maximus. Maecenas porttitor a tellus ac sagittis. Suspendisse potenti. Donec mauris sem, tristique a ipsum vitae, pretium facilisis libero. Nullam interdum mauris in euismod pretium. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Nunc fel

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Market Opportunity

Ut dignissim eget felis non ultrices. Vivamus fermentum erat at velit varius molestie.

Duis vitae mi neque. Donec tincidunt, dolor luctus lobortis ultrices, turpis eros cursus turpis, maximus tempor lectus lectus vel diam.

Proin neque lacus, semper vel ex at, eleifend rhoncus est.

Cras non nisi urna. Sed feugiat dignissim erat, eget convallis nisl blandit a.
Nullam fringilla diam eget dui placerat fermentum. Maecenas malesuada viverra leo eu bibendum. Nam vulputate enim velit, eu pretium justo tristique ac.

Nam vitae varius augue. Nam pharetra facilisis elementum. Sed nisl risus, vestibulum ut velit at, dapibus sagittis arcu.
Nullam sed dolor suscipit, efficitur enim quis, vestibulum sapien. Nunc convallis mauris nec nibh mollis, eget aliquet odio tincidunt.
Phasellus faucibus sem mauris, sed iaculis nisl egestas sed.
Sed sit amet gravida elit, sagittis sollicitudin nulla. Vivamus auctor arcu eu scelerisque convallis. Phasellus scelerisque ultrices tincidunt. Curabitur odio libero, faucibus et felis nec, pulvinar facilisis urna. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Maecenas ultrices in velit at ultrices.

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Competitive Advantage

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Investment Offering

Pellentesque tempor a risus in elementum. Proin malesuada mauris et mauris bibendum laoreet.

Vivamus maximus nul

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