
News and Announcements

MedAdvisor Ltd (ASX: MDR) Enhancing the Experience of Asthma Patients

  • Published November 17, 2017 12:00AM UTC
  • Publisher Wholesale Investor
  • Categories Company Updates


  • Pharmacists can now access education and resources associated with asthma management.
  • The education materials and resources connected with best-practice asthma management will be contained in the MedAdvisor’s PlusOne software.
  • Pharmacists will be able to email their customers with videos on how to use their inhalers correctly.

MedAdvisor, the world-class medication management platform linking patients with their pharmacies and GPs, has partnered with the National Asthma Council Australia. This will mean pharmacists can now expect easy access to education and resources.

Launched this year, MedAdvisor’s PlusOne software, used today by more than 50% of Australian Pharmacies, will contain the education materials and resources connected with best-practice asthma management. To enhance customer experience, pharmacists will be able to email their customers with videos on how to use their inhalers correctly. This will be delivered automatically following a receipt of an Inhaler Technique Service. According to Robert Read, better health outcomes and more engaged pharmacies will be realised as a result of the partnership.

MedAdvisor explains that the videos sent to asthma patients will help them get rid of confusion while using their inhalers. They can now expect amazing results as a result of the guidance offered by the “how-to” videos demonstrating the correct usage of the inhalers. PlusOne software enables pharmacies to improve relationships with their customers thereby allowing them to offer top-notch services to the asthma customers.

About MedAdvisor Ltd (ASX: MDR)

MedAdvisor is a world-class medication management platform linking patients with their pharmacies and GPs. MedAdvisor provides users with real-time access to their medical records, click & collect medication as well as re-order repeat medications without physically seeing their GP. MedAdvisor increases medication adherence by 20%, has 630,000+ users and has connections with 45% of Australia’s pharmacies. MDR has contracts with 9 of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies.

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